Jazyková studovna / Středně pokročilí B1-B2

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Cvičný test 1

Moje EUO
I. Vyberte správný výraz.
  1. He was transferred to another department without about it.
  2. It's time she us the truth.
  3. I him about it last week. Now it's too late.
  4. I wish I her. She wouldn't have made such a mistake.
  5. They attend the meeting. It was not compulsory.
  6. It's typical her.
  7. I'll send you a message when I there.
  8. She'll manage that. She's used of herself.
  9. Your request at the moment. Please wait.
  10. He is alleged the money.
  11. The plane at 5:20 am.
  12. I thought you said you at six.
  13. You can find it in Section 5.
  14. Peter suggests to the cinema.
  15. The film is definitely worth .
II. Doplňte chybějící slova.
  1. What would you do if he tell you the truth?
  2. Tom has known Sarah a long time.
  3. Please can you take me to station?
  4. The issue is discussed in the parliament.
  5. You mustn't do that. It's strictly .
  6. How long have you thinking about it?
  7. He came back we were having a row.
  8. James is not intelligent as Bob.
  9. The woman son got lost was crying.
  10. Tom's not that bright, he?
  11. Jack to smoke a lot when he was younger. Now he smokes only occasionally.
  12. Where did you buy the shoes? I can't get them .
  13. I've been playing squash 1999.
  14. That's ok. Take your time. I don't waiting.
  15. Can you imagine for another company?

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